it was the best of times,it was the worst of times.It was a wise age,it was a foolish age.It was a dark time,it was a light time

This is a tribute post.This is a sentimental post.Everyone who has set foot inside 202 is familiar with this view and those who know this view also know that this is the only way they'll be able to see this view again 'cause i've regretfully moved(because of a shoddy landlord.Please feel free to replace shoddy with an expletive of your choice).

202 was an inn for travelers both local and those from across our borders.
202 was a bar for those who were thirsty.
202 was a spot where many joints were passed around.
202 was a club where the freshest cuts could be heard.
202 was a stadium,virtual or otherwise

i could  go on but i think everyone who is familiar with 202 has their own interpretation and they can fill in the rest of the blanks about 202.